When a contact provides their address in an ActivePipe survey, you will see this in your Geo Updates.
Obtaining a contacts address can be pivotal in determining what their property engagement really means (e.g: Are they self appraising by clicking on properties right near where they live?).
You can further utilise this information to target the contact with properties relevant to their area - like recent sales to encourage them to contact you for a valuation or appraisal.
Click on any individual contact to see their profile in full detail - a great reference to have in front of you during a follow up phone call.
To suit how often you check your updates, you can adjust the timeline of activity through the dropdown found at the top right of your screen (1).
You can also download these contacts for use in further targeting (2).
If your contacts are integrated, most CRM's allow this information to sync back from ActivePipe to your chosen CRM as well (contact support@activepipe.com if you are unsure if this applies to yours).
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