Audiences that pool together the contacts for all users within your office or group are not immediately visible in your office-wide account, however it is quick and easy to uncover them for use in campaigns.
Once an Audience is found and saved to your office-wide audience list, it will continue to update whenever you or your users update contacts via CSV uploads or CRM.
You can create an office-wide audience that includes one or several filters, based on a wide range of options, including:
- Standard fields like contact locations or subscription dates;
- Custom Fields that you create in your account or when uploading CSV files;
- Contact preferences like minimum and maximum price ranges;
- and Tags.
Create an office-wide audience based on tags
To create a new office-wide audience, start by switching to the office-wide account through the switcher at the bottom left of screen. *
* You need to be an Admin to access the Office-Wide account, or be given access to it by contacting the ActivePipe support team
Then navigate to the Audiences menu. From here:
Click the Create Audience button.
- Click on the Select New Filter dropdown, and select the first field that you would like to filter by - in this example "Tags"
- Choose your condition. **
In the example of tags, the conditions are:- Named - A restrictive condition, this looks for exact matches to the tag name, e.g: "Potential Sellers".
- Named like - A more relaxed condition, this allows tags that include the tag you define, e.g: "Potential Seller".
- Start typing in the tag name. As you type, any matching tags will appear in a dropdown - click on the correct one to select it.
- If you would like to add more filters, click the + button, and follow the same process. *
You may for example want to add a filter of:- Status : Is equal to : Subscribed to get a better indication of the maximum contacts this audience could reach.
* Note that once you have more than one filter, you have the option to have the filter set match ALL of these (1) or ANY of these (2), to restrict or expand your matches (depending on the filters you choose).
- Click the Apply Filters button to see all contacts that match your filter set.
- Once you have finished adding filters, give your audience a name up the top of the page, e.g: "Potential Sellers: Office-wide"
- Click the Save Audience button.
From here onwards, you will see this audience in your office-wide account Audiences menu, and be able to select it when creating a campaign.
** The Conditions will vary, depending on the filter type you choose, e.g:
Zip/Post Code has the conditions of:
- Is equal to
- Is not equal to
- Has a value
- Does not have a value
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