When you add new* contacts to your database individually or by CSV import, you can also add them to your existing audiences.
Before you begin, confirm the tag/s associated with the audience you want to add the contact/s to, as you'll need to reference this. You can do this through your Audiences menu.
If the audience is not filtered by a tag you may need to add a tag filter to the audience.
Add to an existing audience when creating individual contacts
Start by navigating to your Contacts menu, and clicking the Add Contacts button.
From here:
- Choose Create Contact from the dropdown.
- Fill in the relevant contact details, then within the Tags box (1), type in the tag associated with the Audience.
- Make sure that the spelling matches the existing tag, then press enter to add the tag to this contact.
- Click the Save new contact button.
If you would like to double check its addition, navigate to your Audiences menu and click on the relevant audience to see details. The new contact will now be included in the list.
Add to an existing audience during a CSV import
If you are importing multiple contacts through a CSV file, you can add them (all) to an existing audience at the Review stage of the upload.
Start by navigating to your Contacts menu, and clicking the Add Contacts button.
From here:
- Choose Import Contacts from the dropdown.
- Locate and select your CSV file, then click Import Contacts.
- Verify your fields, then click Continue.
- Then on the Review page:
- Tick the Add Tag to new Contacts box (2).
- In the Search for Tags box, start typing in the tag.
- Choose the correct existing tag from the dropdown suggestions.
- Click the Finish Importing button.
- At this stage you'll be alerted that the audience already exists, click the Import button to confirm you wish to add these contacts to it.
Once the import is complete, if you would like to double check the additions, navigate to your Audiences menu and click on the relevant audience name to see details. All of the contacts contained in the csv import will now be included in the list.
* You can also add existing contacts to an audience.
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