To streamline your campaign list and make it easier to navigate, you have the ability to archive single or multiple inactive* campaigns in your ActivePipe account.
* Campaigns with a status of Draft, Stopped or Finished
Archive a single campaign
Starting in the Campaigns menu, within the Current tab:
- Select the more option adjacent to the campaign you would like to archive.
- From the options, choose Archive (1)*
This will move the campaign to your Archived tab.
* If your campaign is active (It has the status of Running, Scheduled or Processing), you will not see an archive option.
Restore an archived campaign
You can also restore an archived campaign at anytime.
Starting in the Campaigns menu, within the Archived tab:
- Select the more option adjacent to the campaign you would like to restore.
- Select Unarchive (2).
This will move the campaign back to your Current tab.
Archive campaigns in bulk
To archive multiple inactive* campaigns, start in the Campaigns menu within the Current tab:
- Use the tick boxes to select the campaigns you would like to archive in bulk.
- Then choose the Bulk Actions: Archive option (3).
- On the confirmation prompt, acknowledge that you want to archive the selected campaigns by selecting OK
Your selected campaigns will then be moved to your Archived campaign tab.*
* If any of your selected campaigns are active (They have the status of Running, Scheduled, or Processing), they will not be archived.
The total number of campaigns archived will be adjusted and shown on the success notification,
e.g: "0 campaigns archived."
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