If your account has integrated contacts, there are a few ways to unsubscribe them.
Manage the subscription from the Contacts Profile
Unsubscribe a contact by navigating to their contact profile, click Manage Subscription (1) and then select Unsubscribe Contact from the dropdown.
Click unsubscribe on a contacts behalf
If a contact requests to be unsubscribed by forwarding an email they have received from you, scroll to the bottom of the email and click the Manage My Preferences or Unsubscribe link (2) on their behalf (this link is unique to the contact). For certain CRMs this status will be synced back into your database automatically.
Unsubscribe via CRM
You can also unsubscribe a contact directly in your CRM, with the exact method differing, depending on the CRM you are with. The unsubscribe method for the most common CRMs are:
- MyDesktop: Tick Unsubscribe from ActivePipe, archive or delete the contact, or select 'No Spam'.
- Box + Dice: Untick 'permitEmail' or remove the contact from the subscription category.
- AgentBox: Mark as: Archived, Do Not Contact, Unsubscribed*.
Updating the status of a contact to any of the above will send ActivePipe an unsubscribe request for the respective contact.
Important note: If emails are removed from a contact in AgentBox, or a contact is deleted, they will not be unsubscribed in ActivePipe*.
For details on unsubscribe methods for other CRMs, contact your CRM, or ActivePipe support
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