There are several reasons why a contact may be unsubscribed in your account. You can view these reasons either for an individual contact, or as a list.
Unsubscribe reasons
A contact may be unsubscribed by reason of:
Hard Bounced: An email sent by ActivePipe to this contact failed to reach their mailbox. This could be due to the email address being invalid, or no longer existing. The contact is unsubscribed on the first instance (one strike unsubscribe).
Soft Bounced: An email sent by ActivePipe to this contact reached their mail server, but was undeliverable. This could be due to the contacts mail server being temporarily down, the email being too large, or the contacts inbox being full. The contact will be unsubscribed after three soft bounces (three strike unsubscribe).
Blocked: ActivePipe was blocked from communicating with the contacts mail server.
Spam Complaint: An email sent by ActivePipe to this contact was marked as ‘Spam’ within their mail client.
* Note: When a contact unsubscribes via a complaint, the email associated with it is unsubscribed brand-wide.
Integration/CRM: The contact was unsubscribed by the CRM integrated with the account.
Archived: During a CSV import, if the Unsubscribe all contacts that are not in this import? box is ticked, the affected contacts are marked as archived.
Contact: The contact unsubscribed directly via an ActivePipe email, i.e: via an unsubscribe link.
Duplicate: After a contact unsubscribed (as above), any duplicate email records found within the same User account were also unsubscribed.
Manual: The contact was unsubscribed within their ActivePipe profile, e.g: the User unsubscribed for the contact. This may also be shown as "UI" in a CSV download.
Other Statuses
You may also see a status of:
Not subscribed: The contacts email address was flagged as invalid or non existent by our email validation service (previously known as Bad Email)*.
Deferred: When ActivePipe sent an email to this contact, an out of office auto-reply was received. ActivePipe temporarily suspends their subscription to ensure they do not return to an inbox full of ActivePipe emails (see more information here).
Disengaged: The contact's subscription has been suspended by SmartSend, due to lack of engagement.
* Note that in the case of Hard Bounce, Soft Bounce, Deferral, Not Subscribed and Disengaged, the status sits in ActivePipe only, it is not pushed back to your CRM. If you believe that any contacts showing these statuses in ActivePipe are incorrect, please contact the ActivePipe Support team for further assistance.
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