SmartMatch highlights current listings that are calculated to be relevant to an individual contact.*
To see a contacts SmartMatches, start by clicking on a contact to go through to their Contact Profile, and then click on the SmartMatches tab.
Here you will see a map with SmartMatched listings indicated by location pins. *
You will also see property cards relevant to each pin:
- Hover over any pin on the map to highlight its property card.
- Or, hover over any property card to highlight its locator pin on the map.
- You can click on either the card or pin to see more property details.
* A pin or card with a number indicates the contact has clicked on the property, so this will also appear in the contacts Property Interactions tab.
With this information at your fingertips, you can more confidently follow up with the contact to present listings relevant to their needs.
On the occasion that there are no SmartMatch properties for a contact, particularly if they are new to your database, you will see the following message within the SmartMatch tab:
SmartMatch is not available to all users. Contact your success manager or the support team to discuss further.
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