When your ActivePipe account is set up, your email templates are Litmus tested to ensure maximum compatibility across all email clients, on both mobile and desktop devices.
Despite best efforts, as all email clients render emails differently, occasionally an email may not render correctly in a recipients inbox.
This is more likely to occur with emails that are forwarded or replied to, as some email clients will make changes to the code during this process. This can include stripping out certain HTML elements, wrapping the email in a block quote, or inserting additional classes to the original code - all of which can break the email design and make it less functional for the recipient of the forwarded/replied to email*.
All ActivePipe email templates are vigorously tested and adjusted to negate this occurrence as much as possible.
If you have any outstanding concerns in regard to your email formatting, please contact support@activepipe.com to discuss further.
*Advise the recipient to click the "View Online"/ "View in Browser" link to see the correct formatting.
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