The property prices displayed in your emails reflect information received from your property CRM.
There are two ways you can change or remove “Undisclosed” prices from your property details:
- Amend the price directly within the listing in your property feed. This will feed through to ActivePipe (a good option for singular omissions/changes).
Remember to allow approximately 2-3 hours for any updates to sync to ActivePipe. - Or modify the information you display with your properties through the email editor, which will update for all properties within the panel.
Amend a property panels details layout to exclude prices
Start by navigating to the Emails menu, and select the email you’d like to amend. Once you are in the email editor:
- Select the relevant property panel to make it active.
- From the panel editing toolbar, select Options
- In the subsequent Property menu, stay on the Layout sub menu. Here you will see the current items being displayed within this panel.
- To remove pricing, click the
next to the relevant item, e.g: Current Price & Amenities (1)
- If you delete an item with multiple fields, but would still like to include some of them, add those items back on the display by choosing them from the Select an item to add dropdown, and clicking the + button.
- You can also alter the order of the display items by clicking on the
arrows next to each one.
* You can also choose to hide properties (not just the price) with hidden or undisclosed prices.
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